The Show Must Go On

Still Training

If you wait for everything to be perfect then it never happens.

I have accepted that my ankle is going to have a long healing time. I have also accepted that I am going to make the healing time even longer because I keep climbing and training. I can rest when I’m done Ice World Cup.

Next week I leave for Switzerland. I decided to tack a couple of extra days onto the start of my trip, using up almost all of my vacation for the year, but this way I can sneak in the competition in Saas Fee. I will be showing up jet lagged and worn out and need to be ready to compete by the next morning, but I figure if I’m going to do this world cup stuff I might as well go all in! Three competitions in 18 days…’s going to be intense.

If I’m going to be honest though, I am a bit intimidated. The competition in Bozeman went okay, but not as well as I wanted. Since then I’ve still been training with my ankle, but I’ve had to change tactics. No more pushing moves at Neil’s home wall and tumbling to the floor. If I am doing movement training or climbing outside I’ve been taping the crap out of my ankle. Otherwise I’ve been sticking to my smaller training wall, trying to build my strength and endurance, but mostly I’m just trying to maintain the fitness that I built before the Bozeman comp.

One more week and I fly out! Eek! Hopefully I can still get a couple more training sessions in before then.