Crunch Time!

Bozeman is getting close! Less than 5 weeks left for training and less than 6 before the comp! We’ve also been pretty busy getting trying to get promotional material together for our fundraising efforts.

One awesome thing going on is the support that we’re getting from Outland Adventure GearĀ in Orangeville, Ontario:

Nathan and I will be sporting some Rab MeCo 165 shirts for our World Cup jerseys and Outland is donating the profits of their Rab Meco sales to me and Nathan and IWC until the end of December. It’s a great product and I encourage everyone to check it out their store.


Other wise, I’ve been spending a lot of time climbing with Neil at his place when Nathan’s not available. Neil is also doing Ice World Cup this year, planning to compete in the same comps as me (Montana, Italy and France). His wall is fairly small, but I feel like we’ve been making some good use of it.

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IMG_6305future crusher?

Neil’s a great training partner, we’re fairly close to the same level (though he’s a pretty good athlete and his drytool training is really paying off!) and having the same goals really keeps us focused.